best programming languages
JavaScript (JS) is a cross-platform, object-oriented programming language used by developers to make web pages interactive. It allows developers to create dynamically updating content, use animations, pop-up menus, clickable buttons, control multimedia, etc. The use of JavaScript can be both on the client-side and server-side. While HTML and CSS ( languages are used to give structure and style to web pages, JavaScript is used to add interactive elements that engage users. Without JavaScript, 90% of Internet webpages would be static.
- JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language and
- JavaScript is the programming language of the Web,
- JavaScript is easy to learn.
- This tutorial will teach you JavaScript from basic to advanced.
This tutorial covers every version of JavaScript:
• The Original JavaScript ES1 ES2 ES3 (1997-1999)
• The First Main Revision ES5 (2009)
• The Second Revision ES6 (2015)
• All Yearly Additions (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
- web development
- web applications
- web servers
- games
- mobile apps
- flying robots
- internet of things(IOT)
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics developed by Guido van Rossum. It was originally released in 1991. Designed to be easy as well as fun, the name "Python" is a nod to the British comedy group Monty Python. Python has a reputation as a beginner-friendly language, replacing Java as the most widely used introductory language because it handles much of the complexity for the user, allowing beginners to focus on fully grasping programming concepts rather than minute details.
- python is the world's most popular programming language and
- python is the programming language of the Web, app, Ai
- python is easy to learn.
uses of Python:
• Data analysis and machine learning
• Web development
• Automation or scripting
• Software testing and prototyping
• Everyday tasks
PHP is an open-source, server-side programming language that can be used to create websites, applications, customer relationship management systems and more. It is a widely-used general-purpose language that can be embedded into HTML.
What is PHP used for:
PHP programming can be used to create most things that a software developer needs. However, there are three main areas in which it thrives.
- Server-side scripting
Server-side Script is PHP’s main strength. If you are just learning to code and want to explore server-side scripting, PHP is a great language to learn. To get cracking with PHP server-side scripting you’ll need to have a PHP parser, web server and web browser.
- Command-line scripting
Command-line scripting is ideal for scripts made using (Linux) or Task Scheduler (Windows). It is also great for simple text processing.
- Writing desktop applications
PHP is probably not the best language to use to create desktop applications but for the advanced web developer, it provides you with many more options than its competitors.
Who uses PHP:
- Wikipedia
- WordPress
- Etsy
- Slack
Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power a large share of today’s digital world, by providing the reliable platform upon which many services and applications are built.Why Use Java:
• Java works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.)
• It is one of the most popular programming language in the world
• It is easy to learn and simple to use
• It is open-source and free
• It is secure, fast and powerful
what Use Java for:
• Mobile applications
• Desktop applications
• Web applications
• Web servers and application servers
• Games
• Database connection
• And much, much more!
C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications.
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension to the C language.
C++ gives programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory.
The language was updated 4 major times in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020 to C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20.
Why Use C++:
•C++ is one of the world's most popular programming languages.
•C++ can be found in today's operating systems, Graphical User Interfaces, and embedded systems.
•C++ is an object-oriented programming language which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs.
•C++ is portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.
•C++ is fun and easy to learn.
what Uses of C++:
•developing browsers.
•operating systems.
•game development.
•GUI applications.
thanks for read
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